Imahori Laboratory
Dept. of Molecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University,
Kyoto-daigaku Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, 615-8510 Kyoto, Japan
By Bus
- By Bus 1:
From 阪急桂駅西口(West gate of Hankyu-Katsura Station)
City Bus No. 西6 or Keihan Kyoto-Kotsu Bus No. 20, 20B, 23 or 西6,
to 「京大桂キャンパス前 (Kyodai Katsura Campus-mae)」
or「桂イノベーションパーク前 (Katsura Innovation Park Mae)」 - By Bus 2:
From JR桂川駅西口(West gate of JR Katsura-gawa Station)
Yasaka Bus No. 6 or Keihan Kyoto-Kotsu Bus No. 22
to 「京大桂キャンパス前 (Kyodai Katsura Campus-mae)」
or「桂イノベーションパーク前 (Katsura Innovation Park Mae)」